September’s Challenges

As part of our WEARsustain funding, which runs until the end of February 2018, each month we fill a report detailing our “Challenges and Remedies”.

Challenge: Figuring out the details of our WEARsustain Voucher distribution and dividing time effectively between Main Mentor and Home Hub.
Remedy: Going over our project plan in ever greater detail and trying to imagine exactly what our work-flow will be like in order to estimate how much help we need in what Voucher areas, and how this can fit into the WEARsustain voucher system. Asking our Main Mentors for feedback on our resulting proposal and then sending this proposal WEARsustain. Our proposal was not clear enough, and we are currently awaiting reply from WEARsustain on this issue.

Challenge: Deciding on a location for our shop and finding an available space in this area
Remedy: Lots of research and discussion. Visiting the areas in person, leaving notes on empty shopfront windows. Reaching out to friends who might know of empty spaces in their Kiez. Searching for new postings every morning. We now have two offers of spaces that fit our location, time-frame, price requirements. Now it is up to us to decide which one to take.

Challenge: Figuring out the legal details of running our project in Berlin. Should we frame it as business (Gewerbe), an art project/intervention, or a theatre piece? And what legal implications do these carry with them.
Remedy: Planned meeting with Frank in the next week(s) to make a decision on this.

Challenge: How do we categorize spent vouchers with our Home Hub and Main Mentors. Do we categorize them differently every time we meet/work with them depending on the content of that session?
Remedy: Contact WEARsustain to ask about this.