In the woods…
In Oct/Nov 2016 we were invited to spend one month at The Montessori Place to set up our studio, and work among the young persons community. We decided to take this opportunity to develop a project of our own and open it up to collaboration with the students.
Every time a full moon coincides with the moon coming as close to earth as it can get on it’s orbit, the bright light awakens creatures that have been hibernating in the woods. This phenomena is also known as the Supermoon. Described as “monsters” by the humans who have caught a glimpse of them, these creatures grudgingly crawl out from their nests and gather at a clearing in the woods. The last time they saw each other was on a cold winter morning in 1948. World War II had only just come to an end. Their sleep during those years was heavily interrupted by the sounds of fighter jets flying overhead, and bombs that shook the earth they were lying on. As they come together in the clearing they seem disoriented as they shuffle around rather awkwardly. Are they waiting for something to happen? Then they turn to face each other in a circle, grunting sounds at one another in what appears to be some sort of meaningful order. It appears they might gather to perform a sort of communication ritual. But what are they communicating?
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