October’s Challenges
As part of our WEARsustain funding, which runs until the end of February 2018, each month we fill a report detailing our “Challenges and Remedies”.
Challenge: The ups and downs of moving into an unrenovated space (http://www.kobakant.at/KOBA/the-ups-and-downs/)
Remedy: Patience
Challenge: Finding somebody to consult us and work with us to construct a framework for our sustainability goals of compiling material “nutrition facts” and design guides (http://www.kobakant.at/KOBA/our-sustainability-motivations/). Compiling literature reviews, collecting details, evaluating and organizing information…
Remedy: Continuing to ask around for references and writing up ever more detailed description of what it is we are trying to achieve:
Challenge: New laws on electronics in clothing and textiles!
23.08.2017 Ab dem 15. August 2018 fallen auch Kleider und Möbel mit elektrischer Funktion unter das ElektroG. weee full-service bietet kostenlose Online-Seminare zu den gesetzlichen Pflichtaufgaben Ab dem 15. August 2018 gelten für Möbel und Kleider mit elektrischer Funktion die Bestimmungen des Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetzes (ElektroG), das hat die staatlich beauftragte stiftung elektronik altgeräte register (stiftung ear) bekannt gegeben. So müssen ab nächstem Jahr Produkte wie elektrisch verstellbare Schreibtische
oder blinkende Kleidungsstücke vor dem Verkaufsstart bei der stiftung ear registriert werden, damit eine umweltgerechte Entsorgung der Technik gewährleistet ist.
Remedy: This new law came up only just now and we will be looking into it with our main mentor this coming month (November).
Challenge: What items do we include in our first “Opening Collection”? These items exist to communicate what is conceptually/technically/sustainably possible, but also to inspire and engage in conversations with potential customers.
Remedy: We are currently in the midst of brainstorming with the goal of distilling three items to be our “Opening Collection”. Other ideas for this development include: public brainstorming sessions with an invited focus group, public presentations for feedback, panel discussions, user centered design….? In November we plan to finalize this collection with final prototypes ready to demonstrate at the mid-term review.
Challenge: Publicity!
Remedy: We are currently working on a first press-release and are considering these channels of communication: